Time Magazine logo-1-

Time (trademarked in capitals as TIME) is an American news magazine. A European edition (Time Europe, formerly known as Time Atlantic) is published from London. Time Europe covers the Middle East, Africa and, since 2003, Latin America. An Asian edition (Time Asia) is based in Hong Kong. As of 2009, Time no longer publishes a Canadian advertiser edition. The South Pacific edition, covering Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, is based in Sydney, New South Wales.

Time is the world's largest weekly news magazine, and has a domestic audience of 20 million and a global audience of 25 million.

Time Magazine in "The Irvhank Effect"[]

While perusing a copy of Time Magazine, Irv Farmer noticed an article on Marshal Pavel Serafimov's early retirement in the Milestones column. It indicated that Western Intelligence Services believed Serafimov was forced out due to difficulties in developing warheads for the new SS-26 ICBMs. This was the first indication to Farmer and Hank Jeter that the Irvhank Effect had a world-wide influence.[1]


  1. See, e.g., There Will Be War Volume VIII, loc. 1814-1824, ebook.