Tariq Abdul-Rashid
Fictional Character
"He Woke in Darkness"
Set in OTL
Nationality: United States
Religion: Islam
Date of Birth: 20th century
Date of Death: 1964 (within the context of a dream)
Cause of Death: Shot in the head
Affiliations: Nation of Islam;
Racial Alliance for Complete Equality

Tariq Abdul-Rashid was a character in Cecil Price's recurring nightmare caused by the role he played in the murder of three civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1964. Price's nightmare was built on the idea that the racial hierarchy in Mississippi was inverted. In this setting, Shabazz was a Black Muslim from the North, who, along with fellow Muslim Muhammad Shabazz, traveled to Mississippi to help promote civil rights for whites as part of the Racial Alliance for Complete Equality (RACE).

As the dream would progress, the two Muslims and Price were detained by local law enforcement, and then subsequently murdered. Abdul-Rashid would be the first to be shot in the head and killed.

As a Muslim and a black man, Abdul-Rashid was treated with utter contempt by the black law enforcement officials, who condemned him for his religion and for being a "race traitor" and a "rag-head".

In Price's real life, Abdul-Rashid paralleled the murdered Andrew Goodman.
