
We don't really get a POV from Farmer or Jeter. Their part of the story is told from a omniscience narrator that later phases into a third character who is still narrating and is a POV. Should I make both Farmer and Jeter POVs or leave them off? ML4E 22:36, August 26, 2011 (UTC)

If we can tell that it's a third party, I think leaving them out makes most sense. TR 22:45, August 26, 2011 (UTC)

I reread the story this morning and think both Farmer and Jeter can be classified as POVs. Farmer from the scene in the desert and Jeter from looking at his watch in the lab. The narrator becomes a character later and will be another POV. ML4E 17:55, September 3, 2011 (UTC)
