
Satyagraha is the philosophy of nonviolent resistance most famously employed by Mohandas Gandhi in India against the British Raj.

Satya is Sanskrit for Truth, and Agraha is used to describe an effort, endeavor. The term itself may be construed to mean any effort to discover, discern, obtain or apply Truth. The word is rooted in Sanskrit, Hindi and Gujarati.

Definition and Three Principles[]

  1. Satya - truth; implying openness, honesty, and fairness.
  2. Ahimsa - refusal to inflict injury upon others.
  3. Tapasya - willingness for self-sacrifice.

Satyagraha in "The Last Article"[]

Mohandas Gandhi employed Satyagraha against the German forces that had taken India from the British in 1947. Gandhi did not realize until too late the intrinsic immorality of Nazism, and that Satyagraha was powerless to sway General Walther Model. Model had Gandhi executed.

Satyagraha in Worldwar[]

Mohandas Gandhi's use of Satyagraha stymied the Race's Conquest Fleet in India, although not enough to drive the Race out.
