Job Gregson
Fictional Character
The House of Daniel
Urban Fantasy
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: United States
Occupation: Professional baseball player
Sports Team: Pittsburgh Crawdads

Job Gregson was the catcher for the Pittsburgh Crawdads. He was a large man overall, with shoulders wide enough for about two men. He was with the Crawdads when they played in the Denver Post semipro tournament.[1]

Early in the tournament, Gregson verbally spared in a fairly benign manner with his former teammate, Carpetbag Booker, who was playing for the House of Daniel. However, when it was clear that the two teams were playing in the finals, Gregson grew more adversarial in his taunting, angering Booker.[2]


  1. The House of Daniel, loc. 3636-3647.
  2. Ibid., loc. 3818.
