George Ballentine
Historical Figure
Nationality: Resident of the United States (Confederate States, 1861-5)
Year of Birth: 19th Century
Year of Death: Probably 1920s or '30s
Military Branch: Confederate
Fictional Appearances:
The Guns of the South
POD: January 17, 1864
Type of Appearance: Direct
Nationality: Resident of the Confederate States
Date of Death: 1864
Cause of Death: Shot as a runaway
Military Branch: C.S. Army
(Second American Revolution)

George Ballentine was a North Carolina slave before and during the American Civil War. He accompanied his owner, Addison Holland into the 47th North Carolina. He served as Holland's bodyguard as well as a provision hauler for much of the war. In 1927, he was one of several black men who received a pension from the North Carolina legislature for his service during the war.

George Ballentine in The Guns of the South

George Ballentine was a slave of Addison Holland. Ballentine accompanied Holland as a bodyguard when the latter joined the 47th North Carolina infantry regiment during the Second American Revolution. After Holland deserted, Ballentine remained with Company H as cook, tailor and general handyman.[1]

When the Rivington Men began supplying AK-47s, Ballentine had become so ingrained with the company that the men gave him one of the new repeaters. Benny Lang observed him strut toward the Company H camp as he rode up and demanded to know from 1st Sgt. Nate Caudell why he was letting a "kaffir" go about armed. Caudell explained the situation and indicated he wasn't in Company H. Lang demanded to know who commanded the company and stormed off to confront Capt. Sidney Mitchell.[2]

Lang browbeat Mitchell into taking the rifle from Ballentine. Ballentine seemed to take it calmly but that night ran off. He attempted to cross the Rapidan but was spotted by a Confederate patrol and shot dead. His body was brought back to the 47th where the men of Company H gave him a formal funeral.[3]


  1. The Guns of the South, pg. 91.
  2. Ibid., pgs. 92-93
  3. Ibid., pgs. 96-99