Dieter Kuhn
Fictional Character
POD: May 30, 1942
Appearance(s): Second Contact
Type of Appearance: Direct
Species: Human
Nationality: Germany
Occupation: Soldier
Military Branch: SS
Political Party: Nazi Party

Dieter Kuhn was an SS officer stationed in France when that country was part of the Greater German Reich. He was assigned to capture Pierre Dutourd, the unofficial king of Porte d'Aix, the center of Marseille's criminal activities. Pierre dealt ginger, and had closer ties to the Race than the Germans liked.

In his pursuit of Dutourd, Kuhn enrolled as a student in Professor Monique Dutourd's Roman history course. Monique was Pierre's sister. She'd believed her brother killed in 1940. Kuhn used his position to encourage Monique to date him. When he revealed his true intentions, she attempted to break off all contact with Kuhn, but he continued to take her class. His persistence paid off, and he was able to convince Monique to contact Pierre. When Pierre tried to pay Monique a covert visit, Kuhn contacted both, and co-opted them. Kuhn also continued to pursue a romantic relationship with Monique, despite her constant refusals.

However, Pierre overreached himself. He came to an accord with the Race, which angered Kuhn. This left Monique vulnerable to Kuhn's sexual demands.

Kuhn was an old acquaintance of Rance Auerbach.
