Chicago Tribune Logo-1-

The Chicago Tribune is a major daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois. Founded in 1847, it remains the most read daily newspaper of the Chicago metropolitan area and the Great Lakes region and is currently the eighth largest newspaper in America by circulation. In November 1948, it committed one of the most famous newspapers mistakes of all time, when faulty polling data for the presidential election caused the paper's front page to declare "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN" when in fact the reverse was true.

Chicago Tribune in The Man With the Iron Heart[]

The Chicago Tribune had been a staunch critic of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal all through the Roosevelt Administration. That criticism simply increased with the succession of Harry Truman to the presidency, especially as the German Freedom Front seemed to go unchecked in Germany. When reporter Tom Schmidt helped release the Matthew Cunningham film, he was sent home from Germany, and immediately hired by the Tribune.[1]

Chicago Tribune in "News From the Front"[]

The Chicago Tribune was one of several American newspapers that reported on President Franklin D. Roosevelt's request for a declaration of war on Japan from Congress. It was also, like many American periodicals, very critical of Roosevelt, taking issue with the Administration's assertion that polls were irrelevant to the conduct of the war on January 5, 1942.[2] It also dismissed as "whining" the Administration's claims that the press's release of the fact that the U.S. had broken several enemy codes in April 1942 as detrimental to the war effort.[3]

Chicago Tribune in Southern Victory[]

On Presidential Election Day, 1944, the Chicago Tribune bore the erroneous front page headline "LA FOLLETTE BEATS DEWEY," the reverse of the true result.[4]

Chicago Tribune in The War That Came Early[]

When Herb Druce told his wife Peggy about the boondoggle he'd helped shut down, he suggested that the project was such a waste of money, if he'd been a Republican, he would have gone to the Chicago Tribune about the mess.[5]

Chicago Tribune in Worldwar[]

The Chicago Tribune had been forced into a weekly schedule after the Race Invasion of Earth reduced the paper available. That didn't stop the paper from criticizing President Franklin D. Roosevelt for not doing more to fight the Race. The Tribune didn't provide any actual suggestions, just criticisms.[6]


  1. The Man With the Iron Heart, pg. 173.
  2. See, e.g., Atlantis and Other Places, pg. 89.
  3. Ibid., pg. 104.
  4. In at the Death, pg. 528, TPB.
  5. Two Fronts, pg. 273.
  6. In the Balance, pg. 389, pb.