
Looking at it, HT's characters come up with some pretty lame titles. I Told You So? I Sank Roger Kimball? One Life One Mate? King Philip? I guess for that one, at least, there's precedent, since Shakespeare named a lot of his histories after character names. But since he was trying to prove his (false) loyalty, he could have called it something like The Glorious King Philip of Spain. Turtle Fan 19:10, 16 November 2006 (UTC)

I Sank Roger Kimball has a nice little pun going on. One Life One Mate is a pretty obvious parody of self-help books.

I Told You So is just lame, although it does demonstrate just how bitter Atvar was.

King Philip should have been a better title, your're right. TR 19:34, 16 November 2006 (UTC)

I Sank Roger Kimball is a pun? What am I missing? It's still pretty stupid.

I guess all the titles are self-descriptive. I don't like that, though. Especially since HT comes up with good, symbolic names for his own books so often. Would you be half as interested in reading his books if they had titles like A German Gorbachev or Featherston Gets Elected in This One? He doesn't name his own books so lamely, why do his characters do it?

Oh, and what posessed Leroux to move the story from the Paris Opera House to the catacombs of . . . God knows where? Turtle Fan 22:15, 16 November 2006 (UTC)

The name change might be cosmetic, and the novel is still set in the Paris Opera House, etc.

HT might also be privy to some information that we aren't, e.g., Leroux really was going to call it the "Phantom of the Catacombs" and then decided for the more elegant one. TR 22:35, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
